Tenerife is the perfect place to have fun with young children. With a great range of leisure activities, there is something for every family.

Leisure parks

There is nothing more fun for a child than a leisure park, with swimming pools, water slides and adventurous fun. If you don't feel like joining your children on these attractions, which are also fun for adults, you can relax and enjoy the sun, the pools, the bars and restaurants. Tenerife has a whole range of leisure parks for you to choose from.

For further information

Leisure parks
Tourist attractions

Great ideas

Tenerife has an extensive network of health and beauty centres, a great variety of beaches, hotels, nine golf courses, many outdoor sporting facilities as well as shopping areas and museums.

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Recommended shopping
Theatres, auditoriums and cinemas
Activities in nature
Activities in the sea
Cultural activities


On Tenerife there is no end to exciting excursions; excursions organised by the Teide National park, excursions to the tourist cities in the north of Tenerife, trips to the capital, through the Anaga rural park or tours of the entire island, from north to south.

For further information

Tours and excursions

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