Cabildo de Tenerife


Living space occupied by an animal taking into consideration the surrounding conditions that affect it. Place where a species grows.

Heavy duty scythe

A strong scythe with a short, wide blade used to clear undergrowth.


The art of pursuing and killing wild animals or game.

Hunting dog training grounds

Grounds where the training of hunting dogs is permitted, but the capture of animals is not.

Hunting grounds

Enclosed grounds reserved for hunting.

Hunting land

Grounds where hunting is permitted for certain periods of the year.

Hunting licence

A personal and non-transferable licence to hunt issued by the Council of the island where the applicant resides, with full effect throughout the autonomous community of the Canary Islands. Licences are valid from the 1st of January to the 31st of December of the year of issue and may be renewed upon payment of a fee for consecutive periods of one calendar year.  Persons who are disqualified from hunting due to a final criminal or disciplinary penalty cannot apply for or renew a hunting licence until they have obtained a penalty record certificate, issued by the Regional Hunting and Fishing Registry.

Hunting season

Period in which hunting is permitted. The period is determined, amongst other aspects, by the time when most of the young animals on the island are big enough, the number of hunters estimated for that year, the size of the species populations (i.e., stock), the animals' biology and the weather, the behaviour of game to an unexpected contingency, and a series of economic, biological and environmental circumstances relating to other natural phenomena.

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