Compulsory Secondary Education (ESO) is undertaken in four academic years. Students generally commence secondary education in the calendar year in which they turn 12, and usually complete this cycle of their education at the age of 16..

In the fourth year of secondary education, students also receive guidance and information in relation to continuing their studies or entering the workforce.

List of Secondary Schools.


Students commence Compulsory Secondary Education in the calendar year in which they turn 12 after having completed Primary Education, except for students who have remained in Primary Education for one year longer than the six years established by law, in which case Secondary Education commences at the age of 13.

Students who have studied in a foreign country will be admitted to secondary school and placed in a year in accordance with their circumstances, knowledge, age and academic record, so they can continue to benefit from their education.


Admission to public and government-funded private schools is regulated in such a way that all persons are guaranteed the right to education on equal terms and parents and guardians are free to select the school of their choice.

When there are not sufficient places in publicly-funded schools, students will be granted admission based on the following priority criteria without any being exclusive:

For further information

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