The present information is a summary of what is contained in articles 123 and following of Law 4/2017, on land and protected natural spaces in the Canary Islands:

What is it about:

It is the planning instrument that orders and designs, for immediate execution, or that executes, general systems, endowments and structuring equipment or for industrial, energy, non-accommodation tourist, cultural, sports, health or similar activities of a strategic nature, when it comes to meeting unexpected needs or urgent actions.


Projects authorised under this instrument must be of island interest and must serve a strategic interest to be demonstrated during the procedure.

On which land they can be authorised:

They can be carried out on any type of land regardless of its classification and urban qualification although they can only be implemented in rustic lands of Environmental Protection and Agricultural Protection when they are of public initiative. Moreover, in this case they can only be approved when there is no viable alternative on another land and the functionality of the work so requires.

Who can promote them:

Projects of Island Interest can be promoted by public or private initiative with the exception of those that affect rustic lands of Environmental Protection and Agricultural Protection that can only be of public initiative.


Unless the initiative corresponds to the Island Council, the project shall be considered rejected for the course of a period of 6 months without resolution from the notification to the promoter of the concurrence of island interest.

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