Cabildo de Tenerife


Responsibilities of the Central Government

The State’s competencies in matters pertaining to Historical Heritage diminished considerably when the statutes of autonomy pertaining to Spain’s autonomous regions came into force.

Spain’s Constitution recognises the State’s sole competence in the protection of Historical Heritage against unlawful export and plundering. Thus, the State may require the Autonomous Communities to adopt measures to prevent heritage from being plundered and may take direct action if they fail to heed the requirement.

Moreover, the State Administration has the competence to:

  • Authorise exports of assets that are over 100 years old, as well as those that are listed in the General Inventory of Movable Assets, and to authorise movable assets that have been declared BICs to leave Spain temporarily.
  • Recover heritage assets that have been illegally exported.
  • To process and close dossiers for awarding BIC status to assets allocated to public services run by the State or that are included in Spain’s National Heritage. The State is also entrusted to authorise any construction work or uses planned to be carried out on the aforesaid assets.

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