Natura 2000 is the European ecological network for the conservation of natural habitats and wild fauna and flora. The aim of the network is to assure the long-term survival of Europe's most valuable and threatened species and habitats. It is the Europeans Union’s main instrument for the conservation of nature. Amongst other aims, the network strives to increase social awareness and propose behavioural changes, given the importance that the conservation of biodiversity and habitats represents in terms of our own survival.

The network comprises protected areas that contain habitats (more than 250 types) and species that are of importance to the European Community, as a result of their rarity, unique status or due to their representative character in terms of the six biogeographical European regions.

It also defines areas where we find threatened bird species, in order to ensure their conservation, advocating the view that the most efficient manner of protection involves the conservation of the areas that they inhabit, to which they migrate and where they reproduce.

The areas that form a part of Natura 2000 are classified into two types:

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