Cabildo de Tenerife

Regional Hunting Board

An advisory body for the Canary Islands Government's ministry for environmental and nature conservation affairs on matters pertaining to hunting. The appointment of board members is determined by a regulatory system.

Regional Hunting Order

Legal document setting out hunting restrictions, published annually before the 31st of July.

Regional Registry of Hunting Offenders

The Registry is dependent on the Island Council, and makes a computer record of offenders who have been penalised by a final judgement, in proceedings initiated by the island councils for offences against regulations stipulated by the law. The Registry shall state the reason for the penalty, the amount of the fine and compensations, if any, as well as the period for which the offender will be barred from hunting under the terms set out in the island councils' decisions. The registration system ensures that any electronic annotations made by the respective island registries are simultaneously recorded in the Regional Registry, and any entries and changes made in the Regional Registry are identical to the ones annotated by the island councils. Likewise, entries and changes made at the Regional Registry are sent to National Registry of Hunting Offenders and to all the Island Registries of Hunting Offenders.

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