Cabildo de Tenerife

Urban landscapes

Urban landscapes are made up of the towns and cities where the majority of the population are concentrated. Within these areas, the majority of social and economic activity occurs. The quality of these areas has direct bearing on the social well-being of the population.

The Cabildo of Tenerife focuses a large portion of its actions relating to landscapes on the recovery and improvement of areas in order to promote their use and encourage citizens to enjoy these areas.

Projects and plans within the urban sphere

  • Tenerife Verde.-[Green Tenerife] entails a series of actions aimed at the creation of new spaces for the recreation of citizens within the urban environment. The programme has included the implementation of projects in the various municipalities on the island.
  • Programa Paisaten.-This program involves actions entailing functional and landscape transformation on urban land or land that is consolidated for development, with a view to contributing to the creation or remodelling of spaces focused on leisure activities (mainly strolling and social relations). The program is quadrennial in nature. The financing of each project is the responsibility of the Cabildo of Tenerife and the town or city hall in question, contributing 75% and 25%, respectively.

    Projects within the Paisaten Program

    • Actions to improve the landscape linked to road infrastructures.- Having identified the need to improve the landscape of certain sections of roads of the highest quality, criteria are established to adapt the landscape and rehabilitation and improvement work is carried out.


      Particular attention should be drawn to the Master Plan for the landscaping of the environs of the TF-1 motorway, in the Reina Sofía Airport–Armeñime section, aimed at ensuring that visitors to the Reina Sofía Airport, the busiest on the island, are greeted by an ordered and attractive landscape in this area.

      The actions consists of reducing existing visual impacts, whereby the Plan establishes criteria for landscaping, both in terms of the current situation and with a view to the future, analysing the present and evolution of the landscape from the perspective of users of the TF-1 motorway.

    • Christmas flower campaign.- For several years, the Cabildo of Tenerife has been implementing this initiative, aimed at encouraging the decoration of the gardens and plazas of the various municipalities on the island over the Christmas period, complementing municipal action in this area.

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