Cabildo de Tenerife

Special Territorial Plan for the Regulation

The Special Spatial Plan for the Regulation of Livestock Farming in Tenerife (PTEOAG) is a document which establishes rules for the livestock farming sector on the island of Tenerife. The document was drafted within the framework of the land regulations set out in the Insular Plan for Spatial Planning (PIOT).

PTEOAG comprises the following documents:

  • Livestock Farming Report.- This report provides and in-depth analysis of livestock farming in Tenerife. It includes informative maps with all the visual documentation used to draft the regulations for the sector.
  • Regulatory Report.- This report includes information on the different regulations discussed and the regulatory model finally adopted. It includes action plans to work towards the general objectives set forth in the Special Spatial Plan. These spatial plans provide a visual representation of the proposed regulatory model.
  • Environmental Study.- An environmental diagnosis and a study based on the proposed regulatory model. It also contains proposals for protective and/or corrective measures included within the regulatory document.
  • Rules.- This document outlines the legal aspects of the Special Spatial Plan, including the different territorial and sectorial provisions for farming in Tenerife.

Download all documents that form part of the PTEOAG plan.

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