Cabildo de Tenerife


Requesting places in the centres of the Insular Institute for Social and Socio-sanitary Care (IASS)

For those who are ill and need to be cared for, the Socio-sanitary Unit runs a network of centres, hospitals, residences and day centres for dependent persons .

There has been a progress increase in resources throughout the island and there are places available in day centres and residences as well as socio-sanitary centres and hospitals, all of which provide different types of care depending on the needs of different people .

Elderly people who wish to use the services offered by centres within the IASS health service, must meet a series of requirements.

Who is eligible?

  • People over the age of 60
  • People who are not yet 60 years of age but are retired because their job is classified by the government as special.
  • People over the age of 50 who are pensioners because of a physical, mental or sensory disability, or because of other personal circumstances.
  • Spouses or partners of these people may also use the centres as long as they provide evidence of cohabitation.
  • Centres are not open to people who suffer from a contagious disease or mental illness which may interfere with the smooth running of the centre or persons who have been definitively expelled from another centre.

Necessary documentation

  • A completed copy of the application form.
  • A photocopy of your ID card (DNI), or where necessary, that of your legal representative.
  • A medical report from your family doctor.
  • A photocopy of your health-care card.
  • A certified copy of the last income tax statement for the family unit or, where applicable, a non-lodgement certificate.
  • A certificate indicating pension payments you receive or, where applicable, a certificate stating that you receive no pension.
  • A social report issued by your local health-care centre.
  • A cadastral certificate issued by the Gerencia Territorial del Catastro.

Submission of Documentation, Applications and Information

  • Unidad Sociosanitaria (IASS)
  • Address: Calle Domingo J. Manrique, 2, (Pabellón de Gobierno del Hospital Febles Campos), 38006 Santa Cruz de Tenerife.
  • Locate on Google Maps
  • Telephone: 922 843 300 / 360
  • Fax: 922 241 841
  • Website:

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