Cabildo de Tenerife



Agricultural extension offices - List of agricultural extension offices located in Tenerife.

Agricultural extension offices

List of agricultural extension offices located in Tenerife.

More information Agricultural extension offices
AgroCabildo portal - Get information on the Council of Tenerife portal, which features all kinds of information for Tenerife's agricultural producers.

AgroCabildo portal

Get information on the Council of Tenerife portal, which features all kinds of information for Tenerife's agricultural producers.

More information AgroCabildo portal
Support for livestock production - Assistance for the cattle, goat, dairy, pig, and horse sectors.

Support for livestock production

Assistance for the cattle, goat, dairy, pig, and horse sectors.

More information Support for livestock production
Livestock entities and associations - List of livestock associations based in Tenerife.

Livestock entities and associations

List of livestock associations based in Tenerife.

More information Livestock entities and associations
Infrastructures supporting livestock - Information on Casa del Ganadero, Finca El Helecho and the Centro de Inseminación Cunícola (rabbit insemination centre).

Infrastructures supporting livestock

Information on Casa del Ganadero, Finca El Helecho and the Centro de Inseminación Cunícola (rabbit insemination centre).

More information Infrastructures supporting livestock
Special Territorial Plan for the Regulation - Get information on the regulatory documents related to the livestock sector of the island of Tenerife.

Special Territorial Plan for the Regulation

Get information on the regulatory documents related to the livestock sector of the island of Tenerife.

More information Special Territorial Plan for the Regulation
Journals for agriculturalists and farmers - In this section you can download publications for agriculturalists and farmers.

Journals for agriculturalists and farmers

In this section you can download publications for agriculturalists and farmers.

More information Journals for agriculturalists and farmers
Trámites y servicios relacionados con agricultura, ganadería y pesca - Consultar y acceder de forma segura a todos los procedimientos y servicios del Cabildo de Tenerife

Trámites y servicios relacionados con agricultura, ganadería y pesca

Consultar y acceder de forma segura a todos los procedimientos y servicios del Cabildo de Tenerife

More information Trámites y servicios relacionados con agricultura, ganadería y pesca
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